Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Why Case Reports?

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Why Case Reports?

Note from the Editor:

"If you can't go to China and sit with a doctor for months on end, reading case studies is the next best thing." This quote by Sharon Weizenbaum, from this inaugural issue’s interviews conducted by Sarah Rivkin, captures one of the main purposes of Convergent Points. 

Second to the journal’s goal of inspiring practitioners to read reports from their colleagues is inspiring practitioners to write. As you’ll see in the Rivkin interviews, and as case report writers usually attest, this kind of deep clinical reflection and articulation has abundant benefits. Depth of comprehension and connection can be felt in both case reports published this issue: one about a patient with late stage cancer by Shea Hunter Thompson and an account of a diabetic patient’s wound healing by Erin Stewart.

We hope you get a lot out of these articles and those in the future. Many people worked hard to bring Convergent Points into being, and more than a few of us are excited. In addition to the authors, the scholar-clinicians, and the patients, a few people deserve special mention, ongoing appreciation, and probably food. These include our board members, David Riley, Lisa Taylor-Swanson, Lisa Price, Rosa Schnyer, Lisa Conboy, and Jacquelyn Burrell. The person who staggeringly, almost single-handedly built the site was DAOM candidate Michal Dabrowski. Catherine Vasco and Ariel Satcher helped set foundational pieces in place more than a year ago and have since been assisted by fellow DAOM students Brenda Loew, Tiffany Atkinson, and Kimarie Calhoun. John Ryan provided abundant support at all stages. Thanks to librarians extraordinaire Ekaterini Papadopoulou and Susan Banks for consultation. Thanks to many treasured colleagues for encouragement, Bastyr University for sponsorship and to Acorn Acupuncture and StradderHallett, CPAs for sponsorship as well. To be in such generous, curious, knowledgeable company is a joy.

We look forward to hearing how you like the journal, and to reading your case reports!

Kathleen Lumiere

Published: 2022-02-15