Acupuncture for Non-Healing Wounds: A Case Report


  • Erin Stewart, DAOM, LAc, LMT Bastyr University


case reports, acupuncture, surround the dragon, non-healing wounds, diabetic wounds


Chronic non-healing wounds have both economic and psychological impacts on quality of life. This case report chronicles the use of a specific acupuncture technique, known as Surround the Dragon (SD), to treat a chronic non-healing wound still open after two years of therapy at a medical wound care facility. This treatment used only Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture with no additional techniques or treatments. Although a small amount of data in the current body of literature shows the efficacy of acupuncture for wound healing, more extensive studies are needed to demonstrate robust efficacy and precise mechanisms of action. The purpose of this case report is to begin a discussion that may lead to further study on this critical, costly, and painful condition.


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How to Cite

Stewart, E. (2022). Acupuncture for Non-Healing Wounds: A Case Report. Convergent Points: An East-West Case Report Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from